Start your content writing today with these simple practices

Nowadays writing has become a nice source of income for many people around the world some people have left their full-time jobs and gotten into the field of writing for the good, but it’s not necessary that you need to become a full-time writer for the rest of the life you can always begin your writing life as a side work. You know what writhing is not just a way of earning money it will help you understand yourself and g1. You need to read and observe the writer’s style.

Sangita Biswakarma
2 min readApr 27, 2024


Media by the author

1. Read and get inspired:

In this field the earliest thing you have to do is do read. If you want to write stories then read stories written by any of your favorite writers if you want to write blogs then read blogs from different writers and Websites. Taking inspiration is a good thing no one is a writer from birth, reading and observing their writing pattern is the very first step you have to take because in this field reading is a necessary quality.

2. Experiment with your writing:

As a new writer, you are not sure about what is your perfect nitch which one you enjoy writing about and what you are good at.
Don’t get stuck in one nitch just keep on writhing even 200 words a day is enough to start.

3. Publish your work get feedback and learn:

Publish and engage with others
Connect with different media options that will give you reviews. There are a lot of nice media where you can start writing such as Medium, blogger,wordpress, etc.
These 3 simple practices are enough to keep you going always remember that success is not a one-day thing you have to wake up and work every day remember consistency is one of the most important practices of any journey, and evey single effort of your will lead you toward success.



Sangita Biswakarma

Hello it's Sangita Biswakarma a psyche student with passion for writing and reading.