Start Your Personal Finance Journey Now

For the coveted, luxurious financial freedom we all desire

Chun Hao


Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Are you still scrolling and reading all things fiction on Medium?

Artistic writings like poetry and climate change discussions on the internet will not make you any more wealthy than you are.

If you are still unaware of the importance of personal finance, this article is a wake-up call for you.

Still not convinced? Stick around and I will prove you otherwise.

Inflation is the Death of Money

Did you know that your money is losing value, on average, by 2.25% every year?

By means of stimulus checks and the Fed’s buying of assets, 20% of all US money was “printed” into the economy alone during 2020.

No wonder people are betting on the future whereby cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin take precedence over the corrupted and worthless fiat money we now have.

While El Salvador has introduced Bitcoin as a means of payment, cryptocurrencies are still far from attaining global acceptance. So, it is not the brightest idea to go “all-in” on cryptocurrencies yet, especially given the fact that most are fraudulent and vulnerable to “rug pulls”.



Chun Hao

Hooked on Personal Finance and Self Growth! I write mostly about exploring one's potential, being financially prudent, and pursuing happiness.