Stay Lean & Eliminate Disease as You Age by Doing One Thing

Fat is beneficial but needs the training to function correctly

Ange Dim


The key is to be active throughout your life. Image purchased from Freepik.

Most of our life is spent trying to get rid of excess body fat.

You can’t blame the individual because we all know how dangerous visceral fat is. Visceral fat is quite sneaky because you won’t necessarily see it.

It’s hidden beneath layers of tissue and muscle.

Skinny people can have excessive visceral fat stores and yet not know until perhaps they become diagnosed with a disease.

Interestingly, a University of Copenhagen study stipulates that fat tissue plays a vital role in human health.

As we age, fat tissue loses its function, which leads us into the arms of Type Two Diabetes, Cancer and other ailments.

The good news is (as I expected) lifelong exercise seems to counteract the deterioration of fat.

Researchers at the University Of Copenhagen studied the link between ageing, exercise and fat tissue function in Danish Men.



Ange Dim

Multi-passionate creative who's immersed in health, wellness, exercise and loves creating healthy recipes. Low carb Recipes: