Step By Step Meditation

Step By Step Meditation + 5 health benefits of Meditation

Toushik Banik
8 min readJul 27, 2020


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

What is Meditation? What are the benefits of meditation? Why should you meditate? How often should you meditate? How long should you meditate?

These are great questions, but what are the answers, let’s find out?

Meditation: Is a simple, fast, and reliable way to reduce stress used by hundreds of thousands of people.

First developed in India (approximately around 5,000 to 3,500 BCE) Meditation is an ancient art that can help you to deal with anxiety, tension, worries, mental stress.

Meditation is a habit that can train your mind to focus and concentrate for a long period of time on any subject. It can be used to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings.

It is really easy you can practice it any time anywhere at your convenience. It can be practice in the field, on a bus, on your bed, and even in the middle of a difficult business meeting.

In this article, I will review the 5 health benefits of meditation and also give you a step yo step guide on how to meditate which will help you to meditate.

As a yoga teacher in India, I personally saw many people who know that meditation is important and amazed at how others get benefited from it. But the sad part is that they don’t know how to practice and use it as a personal development tool as they don’t have anyone to guide them. So from my past 5+ years of experience, I will give you some simple steps on how you can also practice it.

5 health benefits of meditation

1.Reduce Stress :

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

stress is one of the most common reasons that people want to meditate.

According to one study which including over 3,500 adults showed that it lives up to its reputation for stress reduction

stress has so many side effects like

  • Low energy.
  • Headaches.
  • Loss of sexual desire and/or ability.
  • Chest pain and rapid heartbeat.
  • Insomnia.
  • Frequent colds and infections.

A meditation study called “mindfulness meditation” shows that meditation reduced the inflammation response caused by stress.

Another study on 1000+ adults shows that meditation decreases stress. Notably, this effect was strongest in individuals with the highest levels of stress

Other research also shows the same thing so I can say you that meditation will help you to reduce stress.


Photo by M.T ElGassier on Unsplash

Anxiety is related to stress so reducing the stress will help you to reduce Anxiety.

For Example, The study” mindfulness meditation ” also shows that meditation also reduces anxiety.

A large study of which includes more than 2500 volunteers shows that a variety of different meditation which reduces anxiety.

Yoga is also helpful to reduce anxiety. As it includes both physical activity and meditation practice.

3. Enhance self- Awareness:

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Lack of self-awareness is really a big problem especially it this modern time. With workload, Social media, Electronics, computers, mobile phones humans are really behaving like robots. Slowly and consistently we are making us isolated. For being human again it is important to have self- Awareness again.

Meditation can help you a lot in this field. So the idea is that as you gain greater awareness of your self, you can use your energies more constructive patterns.

4.Emotional Health:

Photo by Kate Kozyrka on Unsplash

It is one of the most neglected parts of our daily health. Peoples are constantly trying to make them fit and attractive

As per a report by Redseer Consulting, the fitness industry was valued at US$12 billion in 2018.

Breakups, problems in marriage life, bad moods, not having a focus on the job, depreciation all are symptoms of not having good emotional health.

One study with 18 volunteers as they practiced meditation for over three years. The study found that participants experienced long-term decreases in depression.

So it is important to have good emotional health.

5.Help to Fight Addiction:

Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

Having an addiction to something can convert your life into hell. Big addiction like drugs, alcohol as well as small addiction like the mobile phone is really hard to leave.

“Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine, or idealism.”

Carl Gustav Jung

Meditation can help you to fight against your addiction.

One study with 19 recovering alcoholics how to meditate found that participants who received the training got better at controlling their cravings and craving-related stress

Meditation will help you to develops mental discipline and willpower. It can also help you avoid triggers for unwanted impulses. It is helpful to recover from addiction, lose weight, and redirect other unwanted habits. so are you excited to practice meditation?

Now if you are motivated and really want to know how to meditate and want to improve your life then here is a step by step guide for you. With this guide, you can practice meditation easily.

Step by Step Guide of Meditation:

Deferent types of meditation include deferent feathers. It really depends on your guide whoever guided you. Now before I give you a step by step guide it is important to know that if you already practicing meditation under someone then just follow him/her. But if it is not working for you of you want to learn for the first time or maybe you want a more simple process then read the entire article slowly and try to practice it while you are reading it.


  • Focused attention
  • Relaxed breathing
  • A quiet setting with a posture
  • Open attitude
  • Breathe deeply & Hold your breath
  • Scan your body
  • Repeat a mantra
  • Engage in prayer
  1. Focused attention:
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

First, close your eyes and try to focus. If you cant focus then it is norman it happens just try to focus on your nose solely exhale and inhale the air.

Try to fill it. Try to forget about everything which comes to your mind just ignore everything and put all your concentration on the process of your breathing.

2.Relaxed breathing:

Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

Now just relax and let your body free. Relax and focus on your breathing. Now thoughts are still coming then you really have an uncontrolled mind and you have to control it.

Do it for at list 30–40 times with full focus.

It does not matter how you are sitting you can do this in any position. If you are in a hurry or you really want some concentration if you are burned out thin just this 2 step is enough for a quick relaxation of your mind.

3. A quiet setting with a posture:

Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

Now there are so many postures in yoga preferred one is Dhyana mudra as shown in the picture.

Now will mention that you can literally do it while you are sleeping and perform Yoga Nidra. It is the yogic form of slipping it will make your sleep more efficient and you can have a much better quality of sleep in a short amount of time. You can follow some Youtube tutorials if you want. And if you want me to write an article then comment down below.

Just make sure that the room is quiet enough so that you good concentration.

4.Open attitude:

Don’t think about people when you are practicing meditation. Don’t be embarrassed just remember Meditation and yoga are made that you can be you, It is a tool which helps you to communicate with your sole.

5.Breathe deeply & Hold your breath

Now you can breathe deeply and try to hold your breath for some time. Just hold it as long as you can don’t try too hard. It will also help you to improve your lungs

If you cant hold for a long time it is ok. You can even skip this process if you want.

6.Scan your body:

Now try to scan your body from your leg to head. Don’t do it in a hurry focus on your every body part try to fill it. Try to fill if there is some pain on your body try to reduce it with your mental power. It can take a long time. After skating, you might fill that you are more active and you are filling more energy on your work.

7.Repeat a mantra:

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Now repeat a mantra or a word, in yoga we use “ OM ” “” for our meditational practices. You can also use this word it will aline all your energies and will connect you with this universe. And if you practicing meditation with OM for a long you can fill how you are a part of this universe (SOURCE: My personal experience )

8.Engage in prayer:

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Prayer is powerful. It can heal, prayer can give, and it can change lives.

-Shane DeCreshio, The 50 Prayers Of Pope Francis

Prepare is powerful, you can perform any prayer whatever you want to use. If you don’t want to use any Then just simply thank god for this amazing life. Don't forget that Prayer is a meditation of itself.

Now slowly open your eyes you just completed a successful meditation section. It might take you 30–40minutes but it is worth it.

Now if you like this article just comment down below I will love to read them. And if you have any doubt or question then also comment it bellow I will reply you.

