Still Only the Guys Talk: Depressing Times in a Lecture Theatre

Come on Girls, Use Your Voice!

Mia Miller


Image credit: Felix Foutchinski. Site: Upsplash

A few years back I found myself in a large university lecture theatre, filled with students half my age. It was weird to be back at university as a more mature student but I needed the unit for my graduate study, and so humbly sat in amongst kids taking notes on fancy devices, while I searched my bag for a usable pen.

The theatre must have sat 180 students, while others were left to stand or sit on the steps. A full house. But as I looked around, I noticed it was mostly young women taking this undergraduate writing course. Although I could spot a few young guys, they were few and far between.

Interesting, I thought, shrugging and getting on with it. The course turned out to be engaging, with good lecturers and interesting material. Nothing to complain about.

In fact, there would be little to note about this entire experience…except for what took place every time the lecturer would raise a question from the lecture material and ask the audience of students, for their thoughts.

…Only guys would volunteer their thoughts.

Confident young men, comfortable putting their ideas out there.



Mia Miller

Economist. Feminist. Mother. Conversationalist. Sporadic attempts at humour. Curious to a fault.