Stockpiling Small Wins Each Day Can Provide a Much Needed Sense of Accomplishment

Every day and every win moves you closer to where you want to be.

G Correia


Photo by Sebastian Voortman from Pexels

If this year has proven anything, it’s that good fortune and the ability to stay the course of optimism can be stymied beyond measure. Finding solace in every day may seem like an impossible treasure hunt to navigate.

In an effort to keep my sanity from succumbing to a windfall of depression, I often remind myself that each day will bring something new. Positive or not, the anticipation of “something,” compounded with a desire to reverse my current course, is enough to awaken a sense of optimism.

Looking for a job in a pandemic for instance has been a challenge. With everyone and their mother on the hunt during this time, and only a select few given an opportunity to share payroll with employed colleagues, the frustration can overwhelm.

How do you stay ahead of such dire times?

Although a path to consistent contentment did not come easy, it was doable. It became clear not long ago that the need to keep going and build my confidence was crucial to my mental state.

This revelation came organically. Over time, the mini accomplishments (or wins) were piling up, providing the…



G Correia

Taking up space and proud to be average | Writing about life and trying to make sense of it all | Editor of Freethinkr | Maker of pancakes