Stop. Breathe. Reflect. Continue.

You are wiser than you think you are

Asmita Karanje


Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

Do you ever feel you are running without knowing the finish line or what you are running for?

I was just wondering if you ever stop for a second to think about how your last week was, how you are doing in your career and not just your current role or how your business is growing and not just performing, what have you mastered, and where you are still an apprentice?

Either we make choices or our choices make us

Have you made conscious decisions around what you eat or don’t eat, what stories you consume, or how much screen time you’d allocate in a day? Or perhaps have you wondered how to contribute to making this world a tad bit better, how you’d reduce your carbon footprint?

We read about it in blogs and news; we watch the David Attenborough documentary and follow tidiness tips from Marie Kondo. But we seldom give it a well-rounded thought.

We make thousands of decisions every day without giving it a conscious thought. You don’t choose between chicken and mushroom — you choose between two lifestyles. You don’t choose between glass or plastic — you make your stance on climate change.

