Stop chasing after your dreams.

You may be going at it the wrong way and it is time you look at it from a different viewpoint.

Manu Kiza
4 min readNov 11, 2022


Photo by Snowscat on Unsplash

We all have dreams that ignite our souls and want to break out the cell in which we have caged them; our minds and subconscious. Oftentimes, we go on this wild goose chase hoping to come head to head with our dream as if this was a battle in which we may lose our heads for failing to beat our contender. The truth is, our heads have already fallen off our shoulders, consumed by the heaviness of the tumult and burden that going after what you think you desire can bring along.

Your dreams don’t need you but you need them. Realizing this truth will save you from making yourself sick over the expectation you or your entourage have placed on your aspiration and the undeniable fact that you may likely fall short of meeting your goals. And it's okay…

We see dreams as shiny objects that can only be attained by sheer efforts and dismissal of the bare necessities that life provides us with, such as love, friendship, and joy. Because yes, pursuing your dreams may feel like a hassle when your dreams are running away from you. It may not be obvious at the time, but one of two things may happen.

1- You're chasing the wrong dream.

Simply put, what you are going after is just not yours to obtain and as a result, you may feel deprived of contentment or excitement towards it as it keeps pulling away from you at every little step you take. Being challenged is a daily occurrence in our lives and most of all, a practice that should be valued, but it doesn’t have to feel like hell either. There’s a huge stigma that comes with the idea of the pursuit of our dreams, grind, hustle, go get it, etc. But again, allowing yourself the opportunity to look at it from a different angle may be just what you need to find what your actual “dream” is.

2- You’re giving up too easily.

Nothing should feel or be wrong with giving up on something that wasn’t designed for you. Again, you have the right to give up on something that doesn’t align with your values or purpose. There shouldn’t be a shameful effect that comes attached to walking away from toxicity, and we should feel lighter knowing that we were able to let go of a weight that has been pulling us down and consuming our thoughts. Just like ending a relationship with someone because you don’t get along or you’ve just grown in different directions, walking away is healthy.

Let’s just be honest, whether you stick to your so-called dream or give it up, the result will likely be the same, you will miss out on some sort of benefit that life has offered to you.

You may feel unfulfilled with your dreams but you may feel joyful about enjoying your life and cherishing everything that you are blessed with.

You may also experience fulfillment with your accomplishments and have gotten a taste of achieving your dreams but also be deprived of joy and love because your dreams got in the way.

Or, you may feel a balance of both. Having pursued your dreams with delight and joy all the while letting go of the pressure that comes with the race towards achievement. And maybe, you don’t have to miss out on that birthday or that soccer game to experience success.

Balance is what it ultimately comes down to, but far too many of us get sucked into a spiral down the path of misery and often resentment. Don’t believe the hype but believe that whatever you choose to allocate your energy into may require some work, not the grind, but the work inward, flirting with that inner voice inside you that tells you to keep going or let it be. Truth be told, sometimes what you desire was designed for someone else and you may miss out on what is yours because you are too blinded to look any deeper than the surface.

Remember that ambition fuels success but your path is unique and what you want may just not be what you need. Don’t give up on yourself but let go of chasing after an idea that doesn’t find space in your soul and walk toward your own destiny. Your journey may not be as uneventful as others but it is blissful.

Thank you for reading.

I am on a mission to serve and empower as many people as possible until I can’t do so anymore (999,999 + 1 to be exact). I am not a writer, but I am a passionate human being who likes to share his thoughts through writing and speaking forms. Follow me on this journey and let’s enjoy the ride together. Please connect with me if you have any comments or suggestions, as I would be glad to receive any of your feedback.

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Manu Kiza

Contrarian thinker, challenging the way we see the world and finding roots in being an outcast.