Stop Doing This When You Wake Up

It’s Making You Feel Shitty

Jimmy Meyer
4 min readMar 1, 2021


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

I bet you are sick and tired of feeling like shit when you get up from your bed. You stretch those muscles out and secretly tell yourself that you hate [insert day of the week], but it's just your way of figuring out why you feel so shitty. It’s probably not healthy.

What else are you supposed to do though? You’re taking your vitamins, going to sleep when you should, and eating a somewhat healthy food intake. What could be making you feel so down?

To be frank, there are a lot of things you are doing daily that feed into that pool of self-suffering, and you don’t even realize it.

If you browse any YouTube video or podcast about how to make your morning routine better, they will tell you a lot of the things you need to add. However, I thought it would be ready over some things that you should subtract or decrease so that you can create more time for the things you want to add for your morning.

Checking Your Phone In Bed

There’s really no perfect way to look at your phone in the morning. Whether you are starting the morning by checking social media (which is kick-starting your stress levels) or reviewing work-related stuff, the bed is not the place to be.

Logically, if you wake up and decide to check social media in bed for 30 minutes, what does that tell your body to do? Do you think your body is just gonna store that “I just woke up” energy and delay that?

By doing this, you're telling your body that it's time to be tired again, which then creates this psychological war between you and your body. Your body is telling you to go back to bed, but your mind is saying “fuck, I have to get this day started.”

So stop. If you want to check your phone, get up to do something with your day first before you crave into the addicting feeds of that beautiful rectangle.

Leaving Your Alarm Clock Right Near Your Bed

I say alarm clock, but let's be real, it's your phone.

So many people make this mistake, which is having your phone easily accessible from the comfort of your sleeping position. Why is this a problem? Because you can easily tell your phone to shut up when that annoying alarm song plays and repeat itself.

So, you probably counter-act this issue by having multiple alarm clocks going on after the initial first alarm time. You may have one at 6:30, then 6:35, then 6:40, etc. This is only an excuse to make you sleep more.

Put your phone on the other side of your bed. It should be somewhere where you have to get up to turn that stupid shitty synth song so that it doesn’t create a headache for yourself. Then, once you're up, you feel the need to start your day. Psychologically, why would you get up out of bed to turn the alarm off, and then go right back to bed?

Not Cleaning Up Before You Sleep

If you're not the most organized person, this is probably something you have done in the past. Realizing your room looks awful and messy, and just shrugging it off and saying “I’ll do it tomorrow”.

Do we say this because we are tired and feel like we’ll have the energy to do it tomorrow, or are we simply procrastinating? The answer is, we tell ourselves we don’t have the energy because it helps us justify our procrastination.

I’m not saying you have to do this every single night for the rest of your life, but if your room looks messy, is that what you want your eyes to first glance at the next morning? Clothes everywhere, books not organized, food is not put away. Is that a pretty sight to start any day?

Watching The News

I put this on the list because the news isn’t what it used to be.

You can probably remember a time when the news was just nice and easy to watch television and an informative program about what's going on in today’s world. Now it feels like an avalanche of soapy allegations and gossip that seem childish and below our IQ.

I am paraphrasing, but I remember watching a video about Prince and he was talking about something big that happened in whatever timeframe the video was filmed, and he said something like “we as humans are not equipped to handle the suffering of others across the globe”.

Don’t make yourself attached to whatever is going on around the world. We can only handle so much and it's best to worry about things in our own backyard so that we can then have time to take care of ourselves in return.

Waking up with the right mindset is something I look forward to after every day. When I fall asleep, I look forward to the next day, and it's something I would have never seen myself do years ago.

But it really is the little things that you can change in your life that may have a bigger impact than you originally think. Start your mornings right, and for god-sake stop checking social media right when you wake up.

