Stop Doubting Yourself

Why the pandemic made me question the meaning of what I do

Garry Lee


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

On a zoom call, I half-joked to a client that the job we do is meaningless in comparison to what so many are doing right now. This client is a charity and the CEO immediately stopped me and pointed out that we were helping get the word of the charity out to a wider audience, so it wasn’t meaningless. I will be forever grateful to him for that statement. It has stopped me from going down a rabbit hole of self-doubt.

When I left my old businesses, set on a mission to work with smaller businesses, directly with the owners, and do work that could make a difference, I didn’t plan to produce marketing courses, run brand reviews, or mentor startups. I actually don’t really know what I was expecting would happen. But I’ve found a way to recognise the success in what I am doing, so give me clarity and mental strength.

Give Yourself Purpose, Don’t Rely on Others

I thought just by having the idea of helping others, suddenly this would happen, that it would be easy and I would constantly feel good about life and never need to question the validity of the work I was doing again. This is not the case. Obvious you might assume. Silly Garry for even assuming it. But talking to others, I don’t think I’m alone.



Garry Lee

Marketing geek, founder, owner, mentor, mentee, coach and open for a brew and a chat.