Stop Forcing Those You Love to Change

And watch them soar.

Sikander Hayat Khan


Image by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

We push. We push. And then we push some more. We’re all guilty of doing it. Although our actions often stem from good intentions, they could wreck our relationships. We all want to see our loved ones being successful, fit, healthy and maximising their potential. And when they aren’t, we repeatedly remind them of why and how they should be improving themselves.

Whether it’s endlessly asking someone to join a gym, take extra classes, update their fashion sense or to ditch hanging out with that one person that just makes us tick, we’re like the ever so annoying iPhone alarm that just doesn’t stop ringing.

And what happens when our incessant badgering inevitably pushes the other person over the edge? They’ll take a stand and demand you back off. And for most people, doing that isn’t easy. It’s the product of months, sometimes even years, of pent up frustrations.

Relationships, like trust, are made of glass. Cross that line and shatter them once — and you can never go back.

If we are to stop pushing people away, we need to take a step back. We need to understand. To step into their shoes, as the saying goes. It’s a question of ‘readiness’. I first heard the following during…



Sikander Hayat Khan

Essays on U.S. politics and the Middle East. Law and politics grad. Masters in Law. Published in The Friday Times.