Stop Grieving For Your Mistakes

Break free from the curse of guilt and shame.

Paola Perez


Photo by niu niu on Unsplash

We have all done things we feel ashamed of — things we wish we had never done, and we grieve excessively over them. But as you know, there is nothing to amend when things are done.

If you are suffering over a mistake you made, living life like it is over, stop! No human is perfect, even those who appear to be. You are not any different.

We are raised believing that life has a path, a purpose set for us, and once we are on that path, we cannot look to the right or the left. And when we dare to look to the sides and deviate from our course, we feel we have failed. We think we aren’t worth it, and we believe our lives are over.

We blame ourselves for the mistakes we’ve made, and sometimes, we even take those feelings of regret to our grave. We live our lives feeling incompetent and undeserving because we couldn’t meet the standards we set for ourselves.

The world has moved on, but we linger in the past no matter how much time has passed. We are stuck in that time where we failed to do what’s right. Our friends tell us to get over it, but we remain slaves of our minds, and time goes on and on, but we can’t move on.



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