STOP Ignoring Your Deepest Desires
When Enough is Enough
At night before sleep I daydream of getting way.
I dream of letting go of my every day commitments and taking myself far away. I wonder what I could achieve with my energy freed up to invest fully in my wellbeing and creativity. I could write more, I could start a podcast, I could see the world like I’ve always dreamed.
The potential reality seems nice but unreachable. What would I do financially? How would I cope on my own? Am I ready to step away from the life I’ve built and start afresh? What about my family: when would I see them, and what if something happened to my mum? Could I make a living writing?
There are many ways we reason with our deepest truths to stop them from becoming reality.
When I daydream of these things, of quitting my job and becoming a freelancing writer, I feel this desire on a visceral level. A deep, all-knowing “Yes” comes back to me.
But what if it doesn’t work out? — I’m usually hit with in response.
I’ve had this war go on for too long: a war between logic and intuition.
A Revelation on The Mat
Recently I’ve upped my self care and have been taking breath work classes. 1 hour of conscious breathing…