Stop Making To-Do-Lists — Do This Instead

Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2022
Stop Making To-Do-Lists — Do This Instead
Photo by Bich Tran on Pexels

Highly successful people don’t have a to-do list, but they do have a very well-kept calendar.

Do you think that Steve Jobs had a to-do list with him and was always thinking, “What’s my next task on the list?”

Do you think that Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and other highly successful people strictly followed their to-do lists?

To-do lists can help you organize your thoughts, but not your activity.

A list without a clear plan of action leaves your day unstructured, and as you find yourself unable to accomplish all the things you wanted, your to-do list keeps growing.

You will naturally start to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Your motivation and productivity suffer even more as you start to connect these bad feelings with your unfinished to-do lists.

So, what could you do instead? You could use your calendar! A calendar allows you to schedule time for what you truly want to do.

The simple act of scheduling tasks can free your mind, reduce stress and increase your cognitive performance. By relying on an external structure to manage your time, you can take one more burden off your shoulders.

Action to take:

  1. Schedule a chunk of time for everything important to you.
  2. Schedule important tasks earlier in the day. Unforeseen situations are certain to come up and steal your time later in the day.
  3. Reschedule goals instead of canceling them.

And that was the end of my contribution for today! Thank you for reading my article. I’m looking forward to seeing you in my future blog article!





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