Writing Motivation

Stop Overthinking and Start Working

Be more like Joyce Carol Oates with these two simple rules

Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2021


Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash

“If you feel that you just can’t write, or you’re too tired, or this, that, and the other, just stop thinking about it, and go and work. Life doesn’t have to be so overthought. You don’t have to wait to be inspired. Just start working.”— Joyce Carol Oates

We’ve been programmed to believe we need to be inspired to write.

You need that muse. You need to be motivated to write. You need to be in the zone. You need to be in a mood. You need to have your coffee. You need to eat. You need to be focused. You need quiet. You need the library. You need a nice notebook. You need a new pen. You need, you need, you need… the list is endless.

Rule # 1 — All you NEED is to do the work.

You don’t need anything to start writing. And you definitely don’t need a list of excuses every time you write.

You’re doing anything but writing.




I write about self-improvement, motivation, interesting news, and notes to my kids. www.aqlnotes.com