Stop Taking Melatonin

It does more harm than good

Kiki Joy


Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

Melatonin is not a sleep aid. It is not a supplement. It does not induce sleep. It is a hormone used to regulate your sleep/wake cycle. If you’re taking it every night or nearly every night, stop taking it. Just like most other hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, it should not be available over the counter (OTC). But it is. So here we are.

When you hear the words “hormone replacement therapy”, you probably don’t think of melatonin. But just like testosterone and estrogen, regular supplementation of melatonin affects your body’s ability to produce it on its own.

“Melatonin is indeed naturally produced, but the hormone is one of the murkiest supplements on the market, unsubstantiated by incomplete and developing research. Only in the U.S. is melatonin available over-the-counter as a dietary supplement, and long-term usage can alter natural hormone levels and even sabotage sleep.”

-Huffington Post, The Dark Side of Melatonin

By regularly taking melatonin, you are signalling to your body that you no…



Kiki Joy

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition. Lover of all things travel, food, health, and fitness related. Let’s build wellness rather than treating disease.