Stop Telling Me Everything Happens For A Reason

Even though it’s true, we do not need to discern the collective consciousness’ logic behind suffering to gain from the pain

Esther George
Published in
6 min readMar 11, 2021


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I've been crying a lot lately. Now, don’t judge. Worse yet, don’t pity. Stuff happens. It could happen to anybody.

The thing is, whenever bad things happen, well-meaning human beings, bless their hearts, always come up with the overused, insincere, flat-out meaningless phrase that everything happens for a reason. Really? I have to blink back more tears when I hear that.

The utterers of that pointless and perfunctory platitude come across as ignorant because those who say it don’t understand it. What they are implying is there’s nothing much I can do about my situation. Just sit tight and hope for something good to come out of this. In the meantime, if I need to, I can cry myself a river but try not to drown in it.

It did not comfort me in the least.

In his excellent piece linked below, under the part “Acceptance and the perspective of life is short,” Marcus included a snippet from page 417 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous that beautifully sums up what acceptance means in 109 words:



Esther George

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.