You can’t buy audience with strategies

Its about what not to do rather than what everyone one does

3 min readJan 22, 2024


It’s like the writing world has turned into this mix of business vibes — good in some ways, not so great in others.

We all have our own groove when it comes to approaching things, and what works for one person might not be your cup of tea.

You know, we’re all out here sprinkling our unique magic, but sometimes the noise around us can make us doubt our sparkle. I just want to shout from the rooftops that every strategy and method is pretty cool, but the real secret sauce is adding your own flavor.

Now, let’s have a heart-to-heart about our readers — the unsung heroes on our writing adventure. They’re like the co-stars in our story, bringing it to life.

It’s the shared experience between us and our readers that makes this writing journey so special. They’re not just an audience; they’re the heartbeat of our stories.

They’re like the heart and soul of what we do. But here’s the thing — fishing for followers just for the sake of numbers isn’t the way to go. Real connections happen when your audience vibes with your stories, not just because they want a follow back.

Relationships are all about finding common ground. It doesn’t matter if you’re rolling with a squad of one, two, or fifty real audience members. Trust me, five genuine connections beat the crowd of thousands who are just here for their own gig.

It’s like having a few close pals versus a room full of acquaintances — the real-deal connections are what make the journey worthwhile. Quality wins over quantity, hands down.

If you can connect with your audience and make them live your story, creating a sense of belonging, that’s the magic right there.

Often, readers are on the lookout for something relatable, something that mirrors their own experiences. It’s the struggles, the hardships, that resonate because people know that feeling of hard work, tiredness, and pushing through challenges. They find solace in knowing they’re not alone in this journey.

Let’s get real — if your words aren’t resonating, you might just start feeling a bit meh about the whole thing. So, what’s the secret sauce? It’s all about sharing the love.

Forget the numbers game of how many followers you stack up in a day or a month. What truly counts is connecting with folks who genuinely find inspiration in your words, appreciate your vibe, and maybe even learn a thing or two. It’s those real connections that make the writing journey feel alive and worthwhile.

In the last I would like to say…

Don’t let the things that didn’t work out stress you out, and don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s just a task, or one of the challenges — it’s not your entire life. Life is much more expansive than that.

I’ve been there too, where everything seems like it’s just not clicking. Why aren’t people reading my stories? Oh, everyone else can write daily, why am I struggling? Why are my followers not increasing? I need to use different ways — maybe this or maybe that , I need to come up with something amazing — the self-talk can go on and on.

But you know what? It’s okay if things aren’t falling into place right now. Maybe they will tomorrow, or the day after. Life has its own rhythm, and sometimes we just need to roll with it.




I'm just a writer figuring it out, navigate this wild world of Writing. I write about life lessons , writing tips & crazy secrets