Stop Writing Alone! Writing is a Social Activity

Engage with others to become a better writer

Jerren Gan


Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

When I picture a writer (be it a Medium, freelance, or even a book writer), I often end up imagining a solitary writer typing away on a laptop in a cafe.

Some AI-generated images I created with the prompt “writer” to illustrate what I imagine when I think of writers. (note that these 4 images are the only AI-generated content in this post)

Indeed, when I look at articles that are written online (especially here on Medium), the content often circles around the author alone — how the experiences of the author and his/her expertise have allowed them to learn something deeper about a particular topic.

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Building on our personal experiences and convictions often allows us to write effective pieces that add value to a reader’s life (after all, not everyone has the same life experiences and lessons that allow us to reach the same conclusions).

However, what many of us tend to forget is that the best pieces of writing are often not created alone. Many of the best writing pieces in the world are created through collaboration with others.

Writing Happens in a Society

“We’re part of a society, you and me, and it’s not just the…



Jerren Gan

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.