Story: 21 days of separation in Delhi

Harun Reşit Aydin
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2020


While skimming through the night table, these words caught my eye:

‘’What use is gold, life, pearl, coral unless we spend them on love, sacrifice them to a beloved one?”

This was said centuries ago by Rumi as if it was to explain what has been going on these days. It had been about 21 days, since I came to this city and it was the hottest weather of the year in Delhi.

But as the poet said: “If you’re living winter inside, you’ll shiver deep down though it’s summer outside.”

Yes, I was shivering inside as I’ve never did before. Moments that never came to pass, nights full of tears. This was a kind of pain that I’ve never known and experienced..

…thoughts were causing me to lose my mind.

What did I do wrong? Questions and questions again, never-ending, unanswered questions. Born an orphan and was about to leave these lands as an orphan.

All these efforts were only for one heart.

We did not even have some minutes to exchange, no more than some number of words, lines with, simply couldn’t have.

My camera came to my mind. It had to be in the pocket of my bag. I got out of the bed and started to look for it. I could not stop the flow of time, that I understood though I did a little…



Harun Reşit Aydin

Ex Nato-Officer. Economist. Advertisement Professional. Brand Consulting. Politic and Strategy Analyst. 83 countries visited. Turkey-India Expert. Storyteller.