You Can’t Afford To Miss This Drug DEALer When He Offers You Some

Siddharth Saxena
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2023
Cover of the ‘Four Hour Work Week’
Cover of the book (Source: Amazon)

Tim Ferriss is arguably the writer (and much more) who has dramatically changed the notion of work-life balance in the last two decades.

He did it through his multiple times bestseller — The Four Hour Work Week.

In the book, he describes how he went from 14–hour days and $40,000 per year to 4-hour weeks and more than $40,000 per month!

He introduced many new concepts in the book that changed my outlook on life.

Some of them include:

Lifestyle Design (LD)

The art of abandoning the deferred life plan and establishing luxury lifestyles in the present using the currency of the new rich: time and mobility.

The New Rich (NR)

Those who practice Lifestyle Design.

Rather than working for themselves, the NR have others work for them.

Rather than trying to retire early, the NR aim to distribute recovery periods and mini-retirements throughout the goal.

That is, they recognize that inactivity is NOT the goal, but doing that excites you is.

Instead of trying to be the boss or the employee, the NR focus on being the owner.

A woman sitting on her couch by the window, working on her laptop
Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash

I will delve deeper into NR in the following many articles but first let’s revisit a few mind-blowing quotations from the book:

“The commonsense rules of the ‘real world’ are a fragile collection of socially reinforced illusions.”

“Reality is negotiable.”

“Outside of science and law, all other rules can be bent or broken; it doesn’t involve being unethical.”

Don’t hate reality; bend it to your will.

“Beat the game, don’t play it.”

Overview Of ‘ The Four Hour Work Week

Tim presents his ideas in four sections of the book.

He calls it DEAL, and calls himself a drug dealer!

It goes like this.

D: Definition

He changes the readers’ perspectives(definitions) on many principles, like the above and many more.

E: Elimination

He describes how to eliminate unimportant tasks to be more time-efficient.

A: Automation

He directs the reader to have an automatic income stream.

L : Liberation

He describes the importance and mechanism of living remotely.

Now, these are highly simplistic descriptions of the DEAL framework but I plan to elaborate on each of these in the following articles.

Stay tuned!



Siddharth Saxena

Doctor 🧑🏾‍⚕️| MBBS, AIIMS, Delhi| Self taught investor🤵| Learning Macroeconomics and software development|Lifestyle design enth| Childhood trauma survivor🏋️