Strategy In VUCA Times

Strategy is not dead, but more powerful and needed than ever to get your business into the successful path, at least, into the alive course. That’d be the motto.

JM Piqué


Photo by Matt Noble on Unsplash

I bet 2020 was such a weird year also for most of you. However, it was also time to put things in order, reflect, get ideas together, and that’s what I did, out loud, through my articles published here at Medium.

At the end of the year, it turned out I had gathered many thoughts about business strategy, about the lessons I learned from a few experiences through the latest twenty years. As most of them were evergreen, and I thought they could be useful for the businesses and professionals struggling to find a way out of the situation provoked by the pandemic, I decided to create a collection of these thoughts. I put them out there in the form of a book for those who could get value from it.

That’s how it was born Strategy In VUCA Times.

Why did I write about something like strategy, that has become like an outdated commodity?

Many have quit on strategy, as they think the world is changing so quickly that there’s no point in planning anything. Go with the flow — surf the wave. Stay…



JM Piqué

Learner. Top writer in #Ideas, #Future, and #Government. I like living in the future. #Business is my main focus, but I can’t help to have many others.