Strawberry Moon

David Ophek
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2022


Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

I waited for you as you slept under winter’s blanket, nurtured you, and kept you safe from spring's harsh storms. I watched you grow and blossom in the early summer sun.

Luscious and sweet, primed for the picking, you shared your bounty with me.

I whispered my prayer of thanks to the creator for allowing me to exist in the perfect place at the perfect time. The opportunity to nurture and tend, to protect and love, to marvel and hope, and to give and receive.

Simple unconditional appreciation, love, and joy at the miracle I was witness to.

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We were madly in love; the magnitude of which is hard to fathom. Our feet never touched down. We circled the Earth drawn by Eddy currents and Coriolis-like forces alike that encompassed us in a dreamlike whirlwind.

For a time we flew to the sun and beyond enmeshed together shielded in an impenetrable field.

I loved you unconditionally, beyond time beyond space. I loved your strength and resolve, your tenderness and doubts, and your past and future.

And then it was gone.

You said you no longer loved me, but I hadn’t changed. Maybe that was the problem…



David Ophek

…for what is creativity but the discovery of new data points found within a pre-existing pattern or framework