Strong, Independent Woman

Anna M
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2024
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

A strong, independent woman.

Nowadays, this is perhaps the epitome of what a millennial woman is. You strive to be independent so that you won’t have to rely on anyone, male or female, for anything. You do what you want when you want to.

You delay settling down and having kids because you’re busy creating the life you’ve always imagined. You fulfill your dreams and heal your inner child.

Being a strong, independent woman is truly amazing. Oh, the distance you’ve covered, the things you’ve achieved, and the world you’ve built for yourself! Being a strong, independent woman is nothing but liberating and empowering.

Except when it hits you.

Sometimes, being a strong, independent woman is tiring. Navigating this rollercoaster ride called adulthood can be draining to say the least, especially when you’re trying to make everything happen.

One small mistake can make you terribly disappointed. Life is difficult as it is, so there should be no room for errors.

You’re so used to doing things on your own that asking for help, even when you need it, is out of the question. Anyway, in the few times you asked, you barely got the help you needed.

From time to time, you wonder what it would be like not to be so independent — to just have someone who’ll pay attention, someone who’ll hold your hand and guide you through life so that you won’t have to think about everything by yourself. How would it feel to ask for help and receive it? How would it feel to not have to ask for help and still receive it?

The confidence crumbles and the foundations you’ve started building come crashing down all at once. You find yourself suddenly in tears about the smallest things. You start wondering if being a strong, independent woman is really what you want to be.

You start wondering if being strong is actually equivalent to being independent.

Then, you pause a moment, you let your thoughts pass, and you stop wondering. You wipe your tears and get back up.

After all, you still have much to do as a strong, independent woman.



Anna M

A full-time analyst and part-time writer who’s on a mission to paint life’s intricacies through words