Subconscious Mind: The Unseen Power of Successful People

Yuan VK
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2024
Image by David from Pixabay

Science confirms that 40% of what we do is unconscious, the subconscious mind tells us what to do based on what we think is right.

You can’t be motivated or disciplined if your subconscious mind disagrees with it. Like if you don’t have a subconscious belief that you can become successful, you won’t even come here.

Something must have happened in the past that formed who you are now, affecting your actions today.

And I believe the subconscious mind plays a big part in people’s success.

Why Does the Subconscious Mind Matter?

Our minds consist of:

Subconscious mind (95%): beliefs, emotions, habits, values, and long-term memory.

Conscious mind (5%): logical thinking, critical thinking, and short-term memory.

Both affect our behavior, but the subconscious mind is more dominant, truly forming our identity.

Let me give you an example:

You were raised in an education-oriented family. Since you were a kid, you were always told to study so you could become smart.

As you grow older, you develop a habit of studying every day and actually become a smart person.

Now, what if you weren’t raised that way? Logically, you know that studying is important, but is that enough to make it a habit? Unlikely, right?

At least you need the right subconscious belief to act that way.

How Our Subconscious Belief is Formed

Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher, once said,

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; it becomes your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

Your subconscious mind will either make or break your life. It will filter any of your activities to fit your subconscious belief.

If it’s positive, you’re most likely going to engage in positive behavior. If it’s negative, vice versa.

To set your subconscious beliefs right, you need to be aware of these stages of formation:

1. Receiving Thoughts

First, you will receive thoughts from your daily experiences, like from TV, social media, or people in your surroundings.

Second, it can also come from what you produce, like if you say positive affirmations frequently, it can become your identity.

2. Trace Belief is Formed

There’s a part of our brain called RAS (Reticular Activating System) that will do the filtering job. It will let the thought pass, becoming a trace belief in a certain condition:

• Thoughts that come from people you trust, like teachers, parents, or family.

• Thoughts that have come again and again.

3. Seeking Confirmation

When you already have trace beliefs, your brain will direct you to seek confirmation unconsciously.

4. Conviction

Now, if you have already received enough confirmation, your trace belief will then transform into a lasting belief.

In a nutshell, imagine this:

When you’re told by your family that you’re smart, it will become your trace belief. Then, when you get a high grade in school, it’s like where your trace belief is confirmed.

For the rest of your life, you will believe that you’re smart.

How to Stop Being Mediocre By Reforming Subconscious Belief

1. Change Your Environment

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Change everything that could possibly contribute to negative thoughts.

The people surrounding you, for example, shouldn’t be slackers but those who have a better vision and higher expectations than you.

You’ll learn from them, forcing your old beliefs to peel off.

If you can’t find people like them, seek online communities. Platforms like Medium are good examples, with a lot of experts and healthy-minded people.

Next, beware of what you watch and hear daily.

Nowadays, most people receive information online. But people there can share unrealistic life expectations, stupid trends, and many unnecessary things.

You need to unsubscribe from a lot of content creators that don’t bring value to your life. Instead, subscribe to those who bring value.

2. Learn Continuously

You don’t need to wait until good people bring you advice to make you successful.

Just learn intentionally, like from YouTube, blogs, books, podcasts. Information is everywhere nowadays.

It doesn’t mean that you only learn those related to your background but anything that can bring benefits to your life.

Learn how to be confident.

Learn how to find your passion.

Learn how to manage your finances.

By learning, you can become whoever you want to be.

3. Challenge Yourself

Have big, audacious, and seemingly impossible goals. They will force you to do what’s necessary and avoid what’s not.

“Your eyes can only see, and your ears can only hear what your brain is looking for.” — Dan Sullivan

Imagine if you want to write a book, and it’s a must. You will then try to find what topics to cover, what title to choose, how to structure it, and so on.

There will be no time for distractions, like social media, video games, and hanging out. Just focus on writing a book.

These goals aren’t just statements; you need to have a deadline and be willing to commit to it.

Like the Misogi challenge often referred to by Jesse Itzler, do something scary that pushes you to the limit, at least once a year.

Wrapping It Up

Our subconscious mind is what truly directs our life. We act based on subconscious beliefs.

Here’s how it is formed:

1. Receiving thoughts from daily experiences.

2. Trace belief is formed by thoughts we trust.

3. Seeking confirmation.

4. Conviction, where trace beliefs become lasting beliefs.

To make your subconscious mind work in your favor, you need to reform your subconscious beliefs. Here are three steps to do that:

1. Change Your Environment

Never let negative things influence you; instead, seek influence from the positive.

2. Learn Continuously

Learn intentionally, so you form a positive identity for your future self.

3. Challenge Yourself

Have a big goal within a deadline. It will force you to become a better person.

My final thought: Your subconscious mind will either make or break your life. People who will succeed in the future are those who successfully form a successful identity. Vice versa for people who will fail in the future.

Now it depends on you — how will you form your identity for the future?

Thank you so much for reading this far. I hope it will be helpful. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section, as it will inspire me and others.



Yuan VK

Your introverted friend. A life learner who shares heartfelt ideas.