Submerged Feelings Don’t Heal

They have to come to the surface — Day 11 #NatPoWriMo

K. Barrett


Photo, ameyabhavsar2000 pixabay

Her inner child was a deep-diving submarine.
It carried all that was told to her,
shown to her, and done to her for years and years.
She was sealed off from the world.
Submerged so far below the surface,
so completely hidden under a sea of darkness,
as if, never to surface again.

Somewhere deep inside,
there were answers about the beliefs,
that her negative thoughts swirled around.

These beliefs limited her every attempt to break free.
She could not swim to the surface to take a breath,
for her lungs to fill. These beliefs were a part of her,
but they held her down against her will.

On occasion from the depths of her soul,
a periscope would surface with a clue,
through a thought that would evaporate,
in the salty air as quickly as it emerged.
Then back down again deeper and deeper.



K. Barrett

Awe ambassador. Nature and travel photographer. Also, an educator, mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Sharing the power of awe with the world.