Subscriptions, Courses, Newsletters, and Lies

Please don’t advertise a sales pitch as a free learning opportunity! Instead, teach something…then sell.

Jennifer Pierce
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2022


Photo by Donna Ruiz on Unsplash

It’s a tale as old as time. A cave bear figures out the best place to fish and quickly realizes that he can sell this information to other cave bears. The best way to do that? It’s called the “cave bear bait and switch”. It has always been considered a fishy practice.

“Listen up, cave bear friends! I found a way to succeed with fish that is so good the fish simply fly into your mouth! IT WORKS EVERY TIME! You will never be hungry again! Sign up for my course and I will teach you my method!”

The cave bear was very convincing so naturally, everyone bought the course. At first, it was only cave bears. But then the wolves, the otters, and the humans all got in on it. Only a few had noteworthy success. After a while, most of the animals realized they had been duped. “We fell for it” they would murmur to each other over the fire at night.

Thousands of years later, humans are still falling for it like I just did.

Well, I didn’t spend any money but what I did do was rearrange my afternoon so that I could attend an online course, a “free online course”.

