Substack Is 3 Features Away From Being the #1 Email Marketing Tool Ever

And they know it



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I’ve been running a Substack newsletter for 10 months.

It’s grown from zero to 700+ subscribers. Much of this growth can be attributed to Substack’s own discover and recommendation features. Over 100 subscribers have come from recommendations alone.

That’s the power of the platform.

You write and you will be found by readers. No other newsletter platform comes close to these internal growth features.

But Substack’s not perfect. What is?

Here are the 3 features that would make Substack the #1 tool for any type of newsletter creation or email marketing in the future, beating giants like ConvertKit or MailChimp with simplicity, ease of use, a free plan for unlimited subscribers, and a writer-focused business model.

#1 Email automation

Right now, it’s possible to write emails and send them directly or schedule them for a future publishing date. That’s about it when it comes to email automation.

For many, that’s not enough. And I know that this is the number one reason people eventually leave Substack for another email marketing platform.




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