Successful Writer Habits You Know but Need to Be Reminded Of

#9. They are not afraid to tell their story

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds


There are habits that separate the writers who quit at the sight of frustration from those who stick it out despite the challenges.

All successful writers have some things in common. They write, they write again later on, and then they write some more. They are patient and creative. They understand success requires hard work and dedication. They believe as long as they put in the time and effort, success will find them and they do not give up no matter what.

Here are 9 things all successful writers will agree with.

1. They Have a Vivid Imagination and They Visualize

The reason Harry Potter became a huge success is that the author was thinking outside the box. She thought things not everybody can comprehend. She created an entire world with her imagination alone. Successful writers can create an entire world with the help of imagination. They can take you to an imaginary place and have you believe it's reality. They can make you feel the things they imagine.

They also know how to visualize their desired outcome. Visualization gives what seems like super-powers, helping them create their dream lives by completing one article at a time with hyper focus and complete confidence that they can do it.

2. They Have a Love for Solitude

Successful writers understand that writing is a lonely career, but solitude doesn't bother them at all. They know solitude breeds creativity. Successful writers know they don't produce their best work in the company of others. They produce their best work in solitude.

They understand the power of solitude and they embrace it. The more introspection, the greater the success. Successful writers need space to think and get lost in their thoughts to produce their best work. This is why the best-selling authors disappear for months and return with their book ready to be published.

3. They Have a Disciplined Mindset

Successful writers are highly disciplined. On good days when creativity levels are high, they write a lot to make up for those days when writer's block hit. And on days when they can't write anything, they do other writing-related tasks like reviewing old work, organizing their files, and cleaning up their workspace. This requires great discipline.

Normal people would get frustrated about the amount of writing successful writers do. They understand working independently with no boss breathing over your shoulders requires discipline. Without discipline, they'd close their laptop and turn on the TV every time their words stop flowing.

4. They are Fearless

Successful writers are fearless. They do not allow their fear of failure to stop them. Their feelings of worthiness do not depend on an editor's compliment or criticism — it comes from within. They know who they are and what they are capable of. Successful writers aren't afraid to take risks. They understand like any worthy undertaking, there are often some risks to take. They are courageous. They take chances and they aren't afraid to put in the work. If they fail, they learn from their mistakes and they try again.

5. They are Passionate Readers

Successful writers enjoy reading because it is the reading that inspires their creative ideas. They aren't just readers; they are passionate readers. They read from various sources and spend a great amount of time reading books and articles by other writers. Reading enriches their knowledge and knowledge helps them write credible articles. They also understand that reading feeds their soul.

How can you write great articles if you don’t even know what readers consider good and bad? You can’t be a great writer without understanding why readers consider other books great.

6. They Know Patience is Virtue

Great writers are patient. Patience is required to learn the techniques of proper writing. They don't give up when it gets hard. They wait and they endure. Successful writers know what they are capable of, so they remain patient until they see results. They know they will be rewarded for their patience.

Successful writers understand they will face several challenges before they achieve success. Patience is necessary to get through the long hours of researching and editing. Impatience leads to rushed work, which leads to rejections.

7. They Love Learning

Successful writers love to learn. Because of this, their readers find them credible and credibility is another common thing among great writers. They never provide false information because they've done their homework.

Successful writers enjoy the research part of writing and they are motivated to acquire new skills or knowledge. They feel good when they are learning new things and their love of learning makes them curious and eager to learn more. Learning encourages successful writers to think outside of the box.

8. They are Persistent

The writers that succeed know that writing is a calling and not a choice. You can't run away from something you are called to do. So they persist even when it gets hard. They believe they will write their book. They believe their words will help and inspire someone out there.

They persist in following their hearts and where the pen leads them. They do not allow themselves to be discouraged when they fail. They don’t stop writing no matter what and they avoid making excuses as to why they can't write.

9. They are Not Afraid to Tell Their Story

The writers who make it aren't worried about what their friends and family will think of them regarding the weird things they enjoy writing about. They do not allow the opinions of others to stop them from putting their best work out there.

Great writers aren't afraid of expressing themselves. They never write in such a way that their readers get lost and have to reread to understand. They don't beat around the bush — they tell their story unapologetically.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.