Summer Is a Time of Resolve to be Mixed with Times of Rest

Summer is the Time from June 21 Until September 21: a Time of Work and Getting Things Done. But This is Not All it Is.

Roger Himes Esquire


Photo by Chris Galbraith on Unsplash

Winter, beginning December 21, is a time of REVERENCE.
Spring, beginning March 21, is a time of RENEWAL.
Summer, beginning June 21, is a time of RESOLVE.
Fall or Autumn, beginning September 21, is a time of REFLECTION.
We’ll be looking at all of these seasons during 2021.
I’ve already talked about Winter and Spring.

A Mixture of Work and Rest

Summer is a time of mixture. It’s a time of work, getting things done, making quota, and attacking the ‘to-do’ list. It’s a time when we need to be more responsible and have more resolve for the renewal we planned in the spring.

Summer is often a quest for more.

Press on… get it done… make it happen.
A rolling stone gathers no moss… keep your nose to the grindstone.
The early bird catches the worm… diligence is the mother of success.
We know of many more such maxims.
Even our vacations can be mixed with work if we allow it.



Roger Himes Esquire

Business and Constitution Lawyer / Gospel Life Coach / Author|Composer|Singer. FREE short flip-page book: “Live Life With Passion”: