Sunburn: How To Deal With It Immediately?

Have you been burnt by the dangerous sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays?



Photo by on Unsplash.

Just follow the tips provided below and you will recover immediately!

We know very well that we should avoid spending a lot of time under the sun, especially without wearing sunscreen with a high protection index. A sunburn is never a fun affair to deal with, as its symptoms (peeling, pain, itching) are particularly annoying.

Tips For Immediate Recovery

  • Pour cool water into the burned area.
  • Apply a moisturizer.
  • Use products with aloe, which can soothe burnt, sensitive skin while it is healing. Beware of products with strong aromas, which can irritate the area even more.
  • Cold oatmeal, as well as cold tea bags, honey, and cow’s milk are natural remedies that soothe the affected area.
  • Drink a lot of water, as hydration should be done both internally and externally.
  • If your skin has started to peel, leave it as it is. Do not pull it, due to the high risk of infection.
  • Wear protective clothing when you go out, and make sure the burned areas are covered.
  • If the pain is severe, then a simple…



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