Super Charge Your Coffee

Why not make your coffee habit work harder for you?

Dean Gee


Photo by Daniel Lincoln on Unsplash

There is a saying around our office, and it goes like this. ‘No coffee, no workee!’

But silly little slogans aside, around 70% of Americans make coffee at home every day before heading to work.

We are all victims of habits, so why not make them good ones, and also why not make them work for us?

With the variety of coffee roasts and blends on the market, there is a coffee type for everyone out there.

As writers, many of us have a love of coffee. It’s our friend in our lonely times of writing and editing stories. It’s the break we need when we don’t know what to write next, or how the plot will twist. The aromas of a warm coffee shop on a winter’s day are so comforting, so inspiring, and hold a soulful warmth to me.

Sweeten The Deal

I don’t drink coffee with sugar or any sweetness, but I used to. It took me years to wean myself off sugar. I started by dropping the amount a little each week until I was at half the amount and then a quarter, and now have been drinking sugar free coffee for years, so I have cut my sugar intake by 8 teaspoons a day, think of that over a year.



Dean Gee

Corporate Director, writing about health, weird phenomena, leadership, good ideas, in Data Driven Investor,Illumination.