Rule of Law

Super Spy 045

The new face of espionage

Paul Coogan
Published in
9 min readAug 28, 2022


Wordcloud derived from redacted affidavit crated by author.

There is no doubt DJT is the worst President in the history of the United States but what if that completely misses the point? After reading the redacted Mar-a-Lago affidavit it appears the mission of Agent 045 was more successful than any by the revered 007.

We usually think of a spy working in the shadows with a carefully crafted backstory and a closet filled with disguises but this style of spycraft has gone the way of bespoke tuxedos and Baccarat. Enter the new spy who works in the open by garnering popular support and exclusive access. The infamous Moscow RT dinner with Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, and Vladimir Putin was quite symbolic of how these operatives can work openly in the media spotlight without repercussion. Stein was later quoted as “I am not a Russian spy,” which is about as believable as Nixon’s “I am not a crook.”

The mission of 045 did include a litany of crimes either directly benefiting his handlers or furthering the mission. This list courtesy of Citizens for Ethics lists only those committed while in office. What is not listed is the use of power to influence everything from minimizing Coronavirus response to holding back weapons destined for Ukraine.

1. Causing Cohen to make and/or accepting an unlawful individual contribution…



Paul Coogan

(he/him/his) Project Manager, Artist, and Data Visualization/Activist Geek