Superheroes Exist

Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2022

You just have to look for them

Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

Superheroes, this word is overrated nowadays, superman, batman, spiderman…etc, these stories have corrupted the basic concept of how a hero is like, they don’t have to fly, run fast or be strong.

The most powerful superhero power for me is SELF SACRIFICE.

What is more powerful than a person willing to risk his life for another!, we see this superpower every once and while, the dad sacrificing his life and future for the welfare of his children, the policemen risking their lives everyday to protect us from the harsh truth about crime community, and thus a lot of examples like these, but for me the most powerful people in the world right now are the MOTHERS.

I am going to tell you a true story about the hidden powers of mothers.

There is a woman who has 4 children all are boys and two of them are twins, the second older son has a mental retardation so he requires a special care. her day begins with waking up her sons for school and prepare for each one of them the sandwich he likes the most, afterwards she goes to work even though her husband is working and getting payed well, after work she comes back home and prepare lunch for the children after coming back from school, and then in the evening the works as a tutor for English and Math until 10pm, then she comes home to see how the kids are doing and what they did in their day. Imagine you living like this for more than 10 years without a special life for you, and there’s more…

Her husband had a heart attack and due to his weak heart, he can’t continue with his job anymore, so the mother became the sole provider of the house, imagine the pressure!. a few years later a family history of hypertension showed itself but that didn’t stop the mother from doing her very best to provide for her kids. She pushed herself to the limits until one day she was admitted to hospital because of her continuous high blood pressure that eventually caused her with Acute Renal Failure, which eventually developed to Chronic!.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Now imagine this scenario, this mom wakes up in the morning as always, wakes up the boys for school and prepare their favorite sandwiches and drive them to school, then she goes to the same work she’s been going to for the past years, she comes back home to prepare lunch for the kids and make sure they haven’t got in any troubles at school, and she leave… for the hospital. she goes under Dialysis for more than three hours, and i would love to till you she comes home afterwards but no, she goes to her other work, tutoring until it’s 10 or 11 Pm. And repeat this day three times a week and the other four with the same routine only without dialysis.

Am i over?… not yet!

After years of suffering from chronic renal failure, her bones started to get weak do to calcium levels, and it’s known for renal failure patients to have pathological fractures, which she did…

Now she’s laying in bed unable to move on her own, undergoing dialysis three times a week, but although she can’t move that didn’t stop her from working!, she’s an accountant, so she started working by the phone, and asking the company to bring her the documents at home.

And after all of this, don’t forget she has a mentally ill son that needs a special care, which she never complained to provide.

Now till me, can a superhero do that?, for years and years. Just as long as her sons are healthy and having a future, it doesn’t matter what happens to her!.


