Surprising Things I’ve Learned Writing on Medium for Over a Year (And earning $2.7K+)

This platform is a dream come true for writers.

Luba Sigaud


If you had told me last year that I would soon be earning thousands of dollars in passive income from something I would gladly do for free (and meet amazing people in the process), I would have laughed.


But that’s exactly what’s happened.

Since publishing my first article on Medium in November 2019, I’ve earned what I consider a healthy amount of money on the platform, especially considering the amount of work I put into my articles and the fact that, for the past several months, I haven’t published anything due to a busy college schedule.

When I first joined Medium, I had no idea how it worked.

I stumbled across the platform thanks to a writing class I was taking at the time, and thanks to several Top Writers, I learned it was possible to earn money here. I also learned that, for just $50 per year, I could have access to unlimited stories from people who were making a comfortable income from Medium alone.

In other words, I could learn the ropes for less than $5 per month.



Luba Sigaud

French twenty-something. Unbroken optimist. I love to learn, laugh, and write. Reach me here: