Surrendering to life
Being in the flow
I was driving through the maddening traffic,
tensed and anxious,
racing with the car next to me.
I had to get to my destination fast!
Suddenly, I heard a crash,
my heart skipped a beat!
I braked aggressively, phew!! Just in time!
My muscles were tense, my breathing was heavy,
I cussed and continued on the road.
Oh! What a darned drive!!
I was living through the maddening life,
tensed and anxious,
racing with the person next to me.
I had to get to my destination fast!
Suddenly, life threw a curveball,
my heart skipped a beat!
I halted aggressively, phew!! Just in time!
My muscles were tense, my breathing was heavy,
I cussed and continued on the path.
Oh! What a darned life!!
I was driving through the maddening traffic,
calm and quiet,
moving at my own pace.
I had my destination in mind!
Suddenly, I heard a crash,
my mind stayed composed,
I slowed down consciously, thank God!! Well in time!
My muscles were relaxed, my breathing was light,
I smiled and continued on the path.
Oh! What an amazing drive !!
I was living through the maddening life,
calm and quiet,
moving at my own pace.
I had my destination in mind!
Suddenly, life threw a curveball,
my mind stayed composed,
I slowed down consciously, thank God!! Well in time!
My muscles were relaxed, my breathing was light,
I smiled and continued on the path.
Oh! What an amazing life!!