Surviving A Refugee Complex

Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2021


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


That is the number of times I’ve moved in my life as of right now, not including my involuntary arrival on earth. Only jokes, I’ve honestly been beginning to appreciate my journey here as a spiritual being having a human experience. Life has embraced me and kept me curious, like a film I wonder what new lens I’ll get to see the Dunia (world) through. I recall my time living in Dadaab, a district located in Garissa, Kenya specifically in a refugee complex by the name of Ifo. Pictured below is a photograph of a Dadaab refugee camp complex. There were ultimately three complexes within Dadaab refugee camp. These camps included Dagahaley, Hagadera, Ifo, and more recent additions Ifo II and Kambioos. After fleeing the Somalian civil war my parents were forced to settle here. They left behind everything that they knew for another country in fear for their lives and that of their newborn, my eldest brother at the time.

Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images

“Dadaab was initially established as a temporary haven for 90,000 refugees fleeing the 1991 clan fighting.” — The Gaurdian

Although it was meant to be a temporary haven at the time. The reality is that there are generations and generations of displaced Somali’s who to…




creative entrepreneur . poetess . avid reader . music artist