Symptoms Of Cat Stress

Raphael Deng
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2022
While the cat has different feelings, it will have some symptoms of stress.
While the cat has different feelings, it will have some symptoms of stress. (Image by Author)

What is cat stress?

Cat stress refers to a series of physiological and psychological reactions triggered by intense mental stress in cats after being frightened or stimulated.

The process of cat stress is divided into three stages: vigilance period, resistance period, and exhaustion period.

👉Alert period and resistance period are the stages when cats mobilize body resources and utilize and operate energy rapidly. During this period, cats consume very fast physical energy, and organs, blood, and nerves are in a state of continuous tension.

👉After the cat’s energy and hormones are exhausted, the body will enter the exhaustion period. Due to excessive consumption and destruction of some cells and tissues in the body, the body’s resistance will decline, and it is easy to develop a variety of diseases, 😷 and even lead to death❗️

We should learn what we can do while cat stress.

🌈Symptoms of cat stress

Psychological reactions: fearful, sensitive, restless, increased vigilance, very alert to the surrounding environment and creatures;

Physiological reactions: rapid heartbeat, arched back, frizzy hair, salivation, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, trembling, elevated body temperature;

Possible symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, excessive licking, and hiding.

🌈The dangers of cat stress

After the cat has a stress response, because the immunity will decline, the viruses and bacteria in the environment will have the opportunity to enter, seriously affecting the cat’s health. Common diseases associated with cat stress include:

1️⃣Spontaneous cystitis: If the cat is stressed, if the urine is closed, it is easy to cause urinary tract diseases;

2️⃣ Feline infectious peritonitis (feline transmission): After cats are stressed, the coronavirus may mutate in the body;

3️⃣ Fatty liver: If the cat does not eat for a long time after stress, it will have a serious impact on the liver and cause fatty liver.

4️⃣Digestive tract diseases: cats vomit, have diarrhea, do not eat for a long time, and damage the gastrointestinal mucosa.

5️⃣ Upper respiratory tract diseases: Feline nasal bronchus, colds, etc. caused by bacterial or viral infections.

While your cat is stressed, you should do something.

🌈Which situations can easily lead to cat stress?

🔴Environmental changes: sudden move, change of territory, new furniture, etc.

🔴Poor resources: small living environment, too many members, insufficient resources, and insufficient space for activities;

🔴Member changes: new members (including cats, dogs, or people) come to the family, suddenly lose a partner, change owners, etc.;

🔴Excessive contact: The shovel officer disregards the cat’s wishes, touches the cat excessively, or treats the cat too rudely;

🔴Sound stimulation: The ambient sound is too loud, or you are frightened by the sudden sound;

🔴Other behaviors: The owner forces the cat to take a bath, clip nails, go out, have surgery, etc.

🌈What should I do if my cat is stressed?

➡️ Properly soothe the cat;

➡️Move the cat to a warm, quiet, and familiar place;

➡️Don’t disturb too much, just prepare water and food for the cat and put it aside;

➡️You can use emotional soothing agents to help cats relax their nerves;

➡️ Closely observe the cat’s condition, and if symptoms such as severe vomiting or not eating for a long time occur, seek medical attention in time.

If you have any case with your cat while is stressed, you also can share your experience here to help others.

