Photography Tips

Take a Photo Every Day

I was surprised by this simple routine.

Bennett Johnson


Photo by Benjamin Raffetseder on Unsplash

100 days, and 100 photographs. Starting on April 28th, whether it was at home or on vacation, sunny or overcast, I captured a photo. Despite this concept being new to me, I know many other people participate in challenges like this, but I wanted to highly recommend this fun routine to my readers. Not only have I captured some great moments, but this process has definitely re-ignited my love for photography.

Image Credit: Bennett Johnson (myself) “Manhattan Bridge”

The power of a routine:

Routines are one of the most important and powerful things in my daily life. Exercising, photography, running my business, everything comes down to a routine. I find that once you get into the habit of doing something every day for around a month, you naturally will develop more motivation. That’s why taking a photo every day can be great for your creative process. By forcing yourself to do something, you can overcome those “creative blocks” more easily.

Image Credit: Bennett Johnson (myself) “Flowers”

Use an accessible camera:

Most of the photos in this challenge were taken on my smartphone, purely because of how accessible it is. When I am wandering around and I see an interesting subject or unique lighting, I can easily capture it almost instantaneously. Obviously, this same principle also applies to most point-and-shoots since they are also compact. All these fancy cameras that we see on the internet are only good if you want to lug them around.

The best camera is the one you have with you. — Jay Maisel

Image Credit: Bennett Johnson (myself) “Flight to New Mexico”

Small improvements:

In these 60 days, one of the biggest points I focused on was improving with every photograph. Often identifying a small category to work on for the next day such as lighting or contrast can be helpful. Even if you are an experienced photographer, improvement is always possible. By looking through my work from each day, you can tell it improved over this time 100-day period.

Image Credit: Bennett Johnson (myself) “Dune Shapes”

Find new angles:

Overall, this challenge has definitely inspired me to look at things differently. By getting outside of my comfort zone, I found that my work became more unique and meaningful. Consider the image of the flowers above; I would have never considered taking that photo in my kitchen four months ago. I encourage you to try this endeavor in some form or fashion and see where it takes you, you might just end up with some great photos.

Thanks for reading edition_008, we’ll be back tomorrow, the day after that, and every day after that with another exciting post. Feel free to follow me to get more of these stories and support my writing.



Bennett Johnson

New stories daily at 8:00am (ET). Hey! I'm Bennett Johnson, and I post content surrounding photography and travel.