Take Your Job and Love It

Assuming an owners mentality while you’re an employee prepares you to be a boss

Derek Oxley


Photo by Will H McMahan on Unsplash

People-watching is one of my favorite low-cost activities to engage in; it ranks second to ear hustling. Shonda Rhimes suggests listening to random conversations to improve the dialogue in your writing. I knew I was on the right track, following my intuition led me to interview, Jon Castro the owner and founder of Prodigy Cutz Studio for my podcast.

I met Jon in 2016 in my local Dunkin, he was an associate, and I was one of those frequent customers who make a public space their satellite office, you know the type — don’t judge me too harshly. Jon worked the evening shift with a sense of purpose; his attention to detail piqued my interest. If the tables or restrooms needed cleaning, he’d clean them If they were short-staffed. Jon was always in motion during his shift; when he delegated a task to his team, he didn’t bark out orders; he provided direction.

I’d come in, grab a cup of coffee, a muffin, sit in the corner, and work on my blog. After a year or so, we talked about running; that’s when I found out Jon’s father was Miguel Castro. Miguel is the guy who convinced me to do my first marathon — talk about the world being small.



Derek Oxley

Host of BTW Podcast:( https://bit.ly/35HO1R3 ) a show that amplifies ordinary people who are doing EXTRAordinary things in their communities