Taking Action regardless of my Bad Luck Hangover

Diksha Sahare
2 min readJun 1, 2024


Photo by Linus Mimietz on Unsplash

If we fail in two or three things at the start of our life, we tag our beautiful life with the term bad luck.

We gave so much value to our outer environment’s judgment and reactions to our lives that we lost our opinions and thoughts about ourselves and continued our life path with someone’s views and our bodies. that was a very wrong combination we can ever choose for our lives.

Bad luck comes into your life when you are afraid to get out of your comfort zone. and when you release all your old shades and crack your comfort shell, you go on the journey of creating your luck.

Mind always gives you some story or problems when you don’t get what you want. But it is your responsibility to give yourself what you deserve. when you get lost or fail take this as a pill for your growth. You are not blossoming yet but growing internally in the stem to become a flower one day.

Don’t tag your failure as a bad luck. Things that you get fail on also contain your hard work. presently what you are thinking about yourself will make your future. So think wisely because thoughts are alive and travel with you in the future. whatever you are thinking right now will convert into something in the future.

Take action to create your luck by eliminating bad luck hangover from your life. By taking action you will destroy your fears and limiting thoughts about yourself.

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Diksha Sahare

just getting inspire by little thing/ Write about self improvement