Taming My Words

A poem

Shaista Malik


When there are words
erupting from all corners
like a chain of fireworks
putting an unusual demand from the brain
and creating the confusion
it feels like flying up a dry silt road
or skidding down the mountains
that can make us go either to east or west

Wearing a big grin
the sun is shimmering down upon the waves
giving us cues
later the moon appears on the horizon
a flicker of light igniting the deep thoughts
and our creations depend upon the
value of our mental map and surroundings

Focusing and balancing
like we do on a slick and snowy bridge
during an avalanche
We web the story around the words
words that rattle in our dreams
and rings through the soundless screams.

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©️ Shaista Malik. All rights reserved.



Shaista Malik

Thinker, Reader, and Educator. Love to talk about food and life.