Tangled tomorrows

Published in
5 min readSep 4, 2022

The loops

We all are in the middle of the twisting twenties, finding our own ways of peace, some exceptionally enjoying and traveling, making memories, some deeply falling in love with their partners all over again, and the rest - clueless and unaware of the future, relationships, career switch, happiness and of what more?

People often say, by our late twenties, we figure out who we are. But I feel that we all discover who we are not.

Dawdling starts

We often feel like the whole world is open to all our spontaneous and unforced experiments. But people are scared to take a step forward, submerged in utter confusion of what if it goes wrong. But what if it’s perfect? Perhaps, who knows?

We all are our own forms of reflections that we frame ourselves expelling the risk factors that we often foresee.

I feel this is the time to give a try to all your indecisions, variabilities, and of everything you always wanted to do. I hope you turn all the chaos to your most memorable parts within yourself and envision them,

Of all the words unsaid inside

you always wanted to say, people

Travel all the unseen places on earth

and mostly to inhale peace

all the moments of certainties

and to breathe the present once in a while.

Taking your mental state to the comfort zone that you subconsciously build inside can tremendously help. We never know of the uncertainties that a powerful tomorrow can hold.

Our eyes usually don’t see what we are in real need of, and instead, we go for what we think we want. Switching careers are always a tougher call. I would say go behind what excites you the most, and if you can fix the relationship between your time and your choices effortlessly there, the rest is just a cakewalk.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Shields of happiness

A couple of months back, when adulting was hard (post-pandemic), I effortfully chose to find new zones of comfort in another city. Never leave a chance to shift them when you are in search of new people, the chaos surrounding there, and the experiences.

Bangalore- the city of dreams, my friends say. Here people are crystal clear about what they seek and what makes them happy. I have started seeing people living without regrets which makes me wonder, to a great extent. Choose your own people here and trust me, nothing matters unless you specifically realize the fine line between your expectations and what such a mesmerizing city can offer you. Many of us can relate if I say the shift from the life of your fantasy where you meet new people (the soothing ones) to normal life is time-consuming. I have seen people taking breaks and re-entering with every possible ounce of their energy.

I hope you prioritize your breaks from your own level of mental state. It’s important to cope up with the energy and people this city demands.

Go to your home, smell your old beds and sheets, lie there a little, reminisce about your old self, and see how much you have changed.

To all those who are vulnerable at night and unbreakable in the mornings, it’s important to take a deep breath, go back to your roots and feel your own blood. Fix it there, of everything that makes you think again.

Timeless forever

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze on Unsplash

I always wonder, and I’m a bit terrified, too, of how people madly fall in love with each other. Well, choosing your partner is the most crucial decision we all need to make in a lifetime. There are no shortcuts to understanding people and finalizing the life you always lingered on. But you always have choices, numerous ones, one million people out there.

I have seen people discovering true love and united then. But when I inspect, I feel that rather than love, it should be renamed as a deeper level of understanding that two individuals have for each other. During the darkest hours of what comes next and self-doubts, to the colorful never-ending nights that you forget yourself, you deserve someone who can hold your hand through all seasons. You can’t force love, but it happens eventually during the cycle of time, and that’s the theory.

Every object on this earth casts out energy. I feel that these people are like two entities in this universe emitting similar kinds of forces from their own existence. From the initial stages of physical attraction to never-ending peaceful nights, the layer of comfort that we all seek in the later stages of life. It’s a feeling of belonging, respect, trust, and love put together in a shell.

Building a home always becomes a roller coaster, even when two similar people are put together. No matter how close they are and how compatible the energies are but what matters, in the end, is or maybe,

The comfortable silences

over a cup of tea, all days

the true feeling of belonging

but also, of all the thriving nights

and days that you learn yourself

about the light, you make together.

The irresistible power to encourage each

because you finally see that

you both aren’t on opposite sides

but on the same string called life.

I hope you all get someone who love every part of your body and skin, in all forms, through all your mental states. I sometimes see myself in my late seventies, grey-haired and reminiscing about the past, of how there always had been nameless energy in between which always held us together.

No matter how much life tries to throw you both apart, we all deserve someone who chooses to stay and fix things.

We all are the tides of our own deep oceans. Unstable, yet predictable by the right person.

I hope you all can find your level of warmth and the right person of comfort one day.

Cheers to your glowing tomorrows!



