TAPable: The tool expected by Transhumanism

Antonia Rovayo
Published in
5 min readDec 23, 2020

The model of the future

Antonia Rovayo

Transhumanists eagerly await the day when the current Human will be replaced by a better model, more intelligent and in better condition …
Humans urgently need to improve. Any species that causes such enormous damage to the environment, that cannot feed itself despite having enough food, and that sparks countless wars that claim millions of lives needs urgent change.

Two years ago I met a great idea discovered by my friend “The Alien” who thinks like an alien even though he has a human body. He explained to me the bases to start a new model of life for the human being without harming anyone. Anyone can adopt it regardless of race, creed, gender, age, or any particular denomination.

I am a TAP carrier and I want us, like me, to unite our minds in a single virtual voice that is heard in the universe. That’s what the project is about. There is a tool to make it possible: TAPable. At the end of the reading you will find the links to visit our current website. I would like to read your comments and I invite you to the interactive portal with “The Alien”. He is a being who does not want public recognition but who will answer all his concerns and intelligent questions through a virtual form.

TAP creates a more useful intelligence that tries to match the psychographics of each unique individual mind (TAP tool / game user) in our world. TAP changes the way the world treats important information that is critical for individual and group decision-making, both in the generation of information and in its communication. The key solution to prioritize all possibilities. It also helps speed up the process of identifying the best possible decisions and solutions. The solution clearly identifies three scope areas for agreement and disagreement: 1) positive possibility agreement, 2) possibility disagreement, and 3) negative possibility agreement.

TAP does NOT establish the truth: it ONLY prioritizes the possibility of the best options given the limited knowledge at the present time. TAP assumes that almost everything in the world is dynamic and changing, especially understanding and possibility.

TAP establishes a much better context and provides a new solution to deal with the difference in preferences in the field of informatio communications.

An innovation called morph addresses the difference in language preference, generational communication difference, image versus text, thus minimizing misinterpretations and misunderstandings.

TAP also addresses engagement and participation in group information and communications. With TAP AI, each member will provide personalized information on every important piece of information and communication. Most of the time through their personal avatar, but they are always encouraged to participate directly to provide more thought full information on specific topics.

What if our universe is much simpler than we all think? What if everything that exists in our universe exists for a simple reason? Imagine this ratio as the core of our universe. What if ‘the problem is very similar to the central objective? The problem is the goal. The problem is that the goal is impossible to achieve. Especially since the lens is something dynamic that constantly changes in time and space.

What if the central objective is the truth itself? But nothing static in form, but a dynamic form of truth. Some continuous and endless structure of representing and presenting the truth.
That is why TAP exists, to provide the tools to generate and communicate this new form of truth. The TAP story contains a core that is described as the “search for truth

TAP begins by addressing the specific problem of misinformation and lack of information. Obviously, you have noticed that today’s world is flooded with misinformation which is generating a great deal of misunderstanding. This misunderstanding has skewed both the truth and the facts. Our world today is built almost entirely on a foundation of untruth.

TAP’s solution includes clearly separating “information seekers” from “information providers.” Today’s world is designed to defend and help providers more than search engines. Providers have more power.
TAP changes the power of these two groups, giving greater power to the seeker or consumer of important information.

Now imagine a world in which each individual mind and each group has a voice. A voice that always exists, so it can always be available to be invoked in the context of being used within an authorship entity, as a single voice or as part of a combined voice. This is how TAP works. “You”, as an information seeker / consumer, have 100% control over specifying who “you” want to create the information that “you” seek.

We have created a demonstration in spreadsheets with volunteers who prioritized 20 proposals on how to improve the world and created a single voice, we compared the types of agreement and disagreement. Anyone can add their voice if they want, in the interesting working group “Illumination” in Slack several members participated, among them, Tree Landong who was of great help and deserves our recognition.

TAP comes with a whole new form of important information object. The object is more easily understood as a priority list of possibility. A hierarchical ordering of all logical possibilities that fulfills the intention that the list seeks to fulfill. With TAP, the intent object is called a ‘case’. The product that is the subject of the case is called a ‘list’. Both together are known as a ‘TAP case list’ object. The TAP case list objects make all the new innovations included in TAP possible.

In the absence of absolute truth, with the TAP tool, we will be able to learn and understand by comparing voices. Throughout life, each unique mind will be continually exposed to how its own voice compares to the one voice of humanity. This happens with a simple side-by-side comparison of the items in the list. With a focus on the top list of “positive deals,” this zone teaches everyone where to start formulating the best next-step possibilities.

Today’s world encourages the struggle and that is why Transhumanism and TAP have served as a possible tool. The human being of today makes of almost everything a competition to establish a winner and many losers. TAP changes this objective of the game. Imagine a world in which the vast majority of players feel that they win because of what arises as a consequence of the balance that exists in the voice of a group. The only losers are those who are self-righteous.

The trick to better understanding is to evaluate all the underlying logical possibilities honestly expressed. There is no co-created statement of truth that is ranked number one for every participant. Trying to co-create one would be a huge waste of time, as this is the pursuit of perfection. The trade-off, on the other hand, is simple to look for the statement that will get the highest TAP assessment value.
We look forward to your comment, you can visit our interactive website https://sites.google.com/view/tapable/home



Antonia Rovayo

Teacher of mathematics and calculus, admirer of Nikola Tesla and his anti gravitational theory. Waiting for the minimization of HUMAN ERROR or imperfection