Tarot: A Guide in Your Pocket

Playing with a full deck

Janaka Stagnaro
Published in
12 min readJul 30, 2020


Image by Geraldine Dukes from Pixabay

During these times of world pandemic, economic problems, environmental crisis, moral degeneration, spiritless leadership, people are looking for answers and looking for purpose. Facing challenges is nothing new, of course. Although perhaps due to the precariousness of the human race as we continue our descent into what is called the Sixth Great Extinction, there is an urgency to find answers and inner peace.

For many, the answers are not coming from the traditional religious leaders of this country. (See a Pew article on the decline of Christianity in the U.S.)

So, where does one turn for such answers to such questions as to “Who am I?” or “Why am I here?” Every religion, every philosophical system attempts to answer these questions, and all have their answers and validity. However, there exists another way that an increasing number of seekers are returning to these days, and that is the Tarot. A plethora of decks and Tarot books exist today to meet this growing interest.

I first came across the Tarot as a middle schooler in the early 70s. I do not remember too much about it, but my mother recalled me playing with these “strange cards.” I bought my first deck, The Marseille Tarot, in Macy’s of all places.



Janaka Stagnaro

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books.