Tech Screening: Best Practices, Tools, and Common Mistakes

Ruehie Jaiya Karri
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2023
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Tech screening is a crucial step in the hiring process for any tech company. In a highly competitive talent market, you must screen candidates effectively to ensure you’re hiring the right people for the job. In this article, we’ll cover the best practices for tech screening, common mistakes to avoid, and how the online tech screening platform HackerEarth can help.

What is tech screening

Tech screening is a method used by employers to assess a job candidate’s technical skills and knowledge before proceeding with the hiring process. It involves evaluating a candidate’s ability to perform specific technical tasks and determining whether they have the necessary skills to succeed in a particular role. This process allows employers to identify the most qualified candidates and ensure they have the skills and experience necessary to perform the job successfully.

Best practices for tech screening

  • Define your tech screening process: Before you start screening candidates, you need to define your technical screening interview process. Decide on the skills you’re looking for, the type of assessment you’ll use, and the evaluation criteria. This will help you screen candidates more effectively and reduce the risk of bias in the process.
  • Use coding challenges: Coding challenges are an excellent way to test a candidate’s technical skills. You can use platforms like HackerEarth to create and administer coding challenges. Coding challenges can help you evaluate a candidate’s problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and ability to work under pressure from a candidate pool.
  • Conduct technical interviews: Technical interviews are another important component of tech screening. They help you evaluate a candidate’s communication skills, domain knowledge, and ability to work in a team. Make sure you prepare a set of relevant technical questions that are specific to the role you’re hiring for during a video interview.
  • Evaluate work experience: Work experience is a critical factor in tech screening. Make sure you evaluate a candidate’s previous work experience to understand their technical capabilities, problem-solving abilities, and how they work in a team. Look for candidates who have worked on projects that are similar to the role you’re hiring for.
  • Use online assessments: Online assessments can help you evaluate a candidate’s technical skills, aptitude, and personality traits. You can use platforms like HackerEarth to create and administer online assessments. Online assessments are particularly useful for screening candidates in remote locations.

Common mistakes to avoid in tech screening

  • Relying too much on resumes: Resumes can be misleading and don’t always reflect a candidate’s technical capabilities. Make sure you use other screening methods like coding challenges and technical screening assessments to evaluate a candidate’s skills.
  • Not defining evaluation criteria: Without clear evaluation criteria, it’s difficult to compare candidates objectively. Make sure you define your evaluation criteria before you start screening candidates.
  • Asking irrelevant questions: Make sure you prepare relevant technical questions that are specific to the role you’re hiring for. Avoid asking irrelevant questions that don’t relate to the job.
  • Not testing for cultural fit: Cultural fit is an essential factor in tech screening. Make sure you evaluate a candidate’s values, work ethic, and personality traits to ensure they’ll fit into your company culture.
  • Rushing the process: Tech screening is a time-consuming process, but it’s important not to rush it. Rushing the recruitment process can lead to bad hiring decisions and a poor candidate experience.

How HackerEarth can help with tech screening

HackerEarth is an online tech screening platform that can help you screen candidates more effectively. Here are some ways HackerEarth can help:

Create and administer coding challenges: HackerEarth allows you to create and administer coding challenges for candidates. You can choose from a library of pre-built coding challenges or create your own.

Conduct technical interviews: HackerEarth’s Facecode platform allows you to conduct technical interviews in real time. You can use FaceCode to evaluate a candidate’s technical skills, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Use online assessments: HackerEarth’s online assessment platform allows you to create and administer custom assessments for candidates. You can use assessments to evaluate a candidate’s technical skills, aptitude, and personality traits.

Access to a global talent pool: HackerEarth has a large community of 7.5M+ developers from all over the world. This gives you access to a global talent pool and helps you find the best candidates for your tech roles with the help of hiring challenges and hackathons.

Reduce bias in the screening process: HackerEarth’s platform is designed to reduce bias in the screening process. It uses machine learning algorithms to identify and remove bias from your assessments.

As technology continues to advance and more companies turn to tech-focused roles, the importance of tech screening in the hiring process has become increasingly evident. A thorough tech screening process helps ensure that candidates have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the job at hand. One way to make the tech screening process more efficient and effective is by using tech screening tools and resources. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular tech screening tools and resources available to hiring teams today.

Tech screening tools and resources

One of the most popular options for tech screening is online testing platforms. These platforms offer a wide range of assessments that can be customized to fit specific roles or skill sets. Examples of popular online testing platforms include HackerEarth, Codility, and LeetCode. These platforms offer a range of coding challenges and assessments, as well as technical and behavioral questions.

Another option for tech screening is coding tests. These tests can be administered in person or remotely and are designed to assess a candidate’s coding skills. Companies can create their own coding tests or use existing tests from online resources such as Codingame or HackerEarth.

Technical interviews are also a common method for tech screening. These interviews are typically conducted by a technical expert and focus on a candidate’s knowledge of coding languages, frameworks, and other technical skills. Technical interviews can be conducted in person or remotely and can be a valuable tool for assessing a candidate’s technical abilities.

Pros and cons of tech screening tools and resources

While tech screening tools and resources can make the screening process more efficient and effective, there are pros and cons to each option. Online testing platforms offer a wide range of assessments that can be customized to fit specific roles or skill sets. They can also help reduce bias in the screening process. However, they may not accurately reflect a candidate’s ability to work in a real-world environment.

Coding tests offer a more personalized assessment of a candidate’s coding skills, but they may not be as comprehensive as other assessment options. Technical interviews can be a valuable tool for assessing a candidate’s technical abilities, but they can be time-consuming and may not accurately reflect a candidate’s ability to work in a team environment.

Tips for integrating tech screening tools and resources

When integrating tech screening tools and resources into the screening process, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, it’s important to choose the right tool or resource for the job. Consider the specific skills and knowledge required for the role and choose an assessment that accurately reflects those requirements.

It’s also important to consider the candidate experience. Make sure that the assessment process is clear and easy to understand. Provide candidates with clear instructions and information about what to expect during the assessment.

Finally, it’s important to use tech screening tools and resources in conjunction with other assessment methods. While these tools can be valuable, they should not be the sole method of assessment. A combination of technical interviews, coding tests, and online assessments can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of a candidate’s technical abilities.

Tech screening is a critical step in the hiring process for any tech company. By following best practices, avoiding common mistakes, and using online tech screening platforms like HackerEarth, you can screen candidates more effectively and make better hiring decisions. With its powerful features and global talent pool, HackerEarth is a valuable tool for any tech hiring team looking to streamline their screening process and find the best candidates for their roles.



Ruehie Jaiya Karri

Writer @HackerEarth. I write about Tech || Recruiting || D&I. Subscribe to my newsletter, The Hire Wire —