Ted Lasso Says We Should “Be Curious, Not Judgmental”

There will always be time for judgment. But it should not come before curiosity.

Damian Bacchoo


Vector art from author: Ted Lasso

“Be curious, not judgmental”, quotes Ted Lasso in response to being underestimated in one of the TV series’ most iconic scenes.

Do watch it if you have not done so already. As well as being incredibly funny, the understated and seemingly incompetent Ted Lasso has so much to teach us all about how to lead and manage people in our age.

This week, the quote came to my mind as I put together interview questions for potential new teachers. Some of the questions I came up with were based on my worldview and did not provide enough freedom for the teachers to describe their own. Some of my questions, upon reflection, were thinly disguised judgments or criticisms.

I should have been asking more curious questions.

I’m curious. What made you decide to read this blog? Maybe it was the picture? The title? Have you watched Ted Lasso and wondered where this might go?

You could have just skipped through. Either choice may not seem so different, but decisions based on judgements play a massive part in our lives because curiosity helps us better understand the world and others. Dare I say it, but I think we also…



Damian Bacchoo

I’m Damian, a high school principal, and occasional blogger with interests in leadership, culture, wellbeing, mental health, and Star Wars!