Teeming Multiplicities

The dissolving myth of unification

James Bullen
Published in
Dec 9, 2023


Photo by Soheb Zaidi on Unsplash

So many of our ways of ways of being, reality bubbles, and domains of experience are simply irreducible to one other.

The body itself has many of these divergent fields. As do all our relationships.

Part of the present struggle is to abandon the idea that Being is a unified field at anything but the deepest level (and even there it’s increasingly questionable).

The mixed-media jungle of our lives is screaming with teeming multiplicities, overlapping and intersecting fields, and discontinuous domains; some in the throes of ecstatic union, some in creative tension, others irreconcilably opposed, and still others so alien to each other as to be mutually non-existent:—

This is my body. This is me. This is my world.

