Telepathy Tuesdays? The Future of Human Connection Gets Weird (and Wonderful). ft: Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerburg

Mubashir Ali
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2024
Photo Generated by Mubashir Ali

Imagine a world where you could share not just words, but your very thoughts and experiences. Science fiction has long explored the concept of telepathy, but what if it wasn’t just fiction? Thanks to advancements in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), like Neuralink’s “Telepathy” chip, the idea of mind-to-mind communication is no longer the realm of comic books.

Now, hold on a sec, X-Men fans. While the idea of a full-blown mental conversation might be a ways off, BCIs are already making waves. These chips, implanted in the brain, can translate our thoughts into commands for external devices. Think controlling prosthetics or even typing with your mind!

Photo Generated by Mubashir Ali

But what about that vision sharing you mentioned? Wouldn’t it be cool to show your friend that stunning sunset you’re seeing, straight from your eyes to their screen? Well, the reality is a bit more complex. Our brains process a massive amount of visual data, and transmitting that live stream would require some serious tech upgrades. Plus, privacy concerns are a big red flag. No one wants their grocery list beamed to the internet by accident!

However, the future of BCIs isn’t all doom and gloom. Imagine sharing specific aspects of your vision, like highlighting objects or filtering information. This could be a game-changer for remote assistance or sharing experiences with loved ones far away.

Here’s the thing: BCIs and future technologies like augmented reality (AR) have the potential to revolutionize the way we connect. Think AR glasses that overlay helpful information on your real-world vision, perfect for fixing your car or exploring a new city. Maybe you could even share a filtered version of your vision, giving someone a glimpse of what you see.

Of course, with any powerful technology comes responsibility. Privacy will be a major concern, and we’ll need to have open discussions about how this technology will be used. But the potential for deeper connection, enhanced communication, and a whole new way of experiencing the world is exciting! So, buckle up, because the future of human connection is looking brighter (and maybe a little more connected) than ever.

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Mubashir Ali

Passionate AI, tech, and programming writer, eager to share my knowledge with others. Open-minded and always learning.