Tempered Mind Fervor

A Poem About Energy And Action

Ilija Begic


Finding disappointment, ah another appointment! That effortless struggle, searching for an easy scuffle.

Reasons, reasons, so many reasons to complain: life sucks, we’re oppressed, oh what petty vain.

Everyone sucks, you suck, I suck, Good Grief! We betray thee by complaining when that effort we lack, we seek relief from a life we’ve made too lax.

We seek any problem from this leisurely stroll; we want a challenge but don’t really want one at all. Complex, confusion, which color do we take, a dumb call to life when we ignore its sake.

So easy to spit our mindless tempers, you’d do better to temper your mind in fervor. What beauty we lack when disappointment we track, putting your mindful spirit in a bludgeoning sack.

So fuck you to hell, and from hell come back.

From there we’ll spring forth, wings in flight, stitched from pieces of our self-mutilated lack.

We’ve got to be, of a certain sort, to allow such toxic tenure to continue to stack. Rise above, watch it closely, and you’ll emerge as light beyond this cosmic trap.

Thanks for reading!
Ilija Begic

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Ilija Begic

Writer. Exploring the everyday nooks and crannies of life.